In order to save time packaging the eShapeOko kit, I’m thinking of eliminating some work that can be viewed as essentially pointless. Specifically, I’m talking about the way we pack the fasteners, spacers, and the other small components. Right now, with a few exceptions, every one of the about three dozen small part types goes in its own, individually labelled little zip bag. I would keep doing that for a few parts (the washers, for instance), but everything else can safely go in a few larger baggies.
A few people commented that the packaging was “like LEGO”, but that’s not quite true. LEGO pack all the parts in a couple of bags, not each part type in its own bag. I would pack all the spacers in one bag; the screws in two bags (small ones and large ones); washers still each type in its own bag, because they’re hard to tell apart and fiddly to separate; and all other small parts in another bag. I would include a 1:1 cheat sheet of all the parts, to help if someone had a hard time telling them apart.
Do you think this is a good idea? I’m talking especially to current eShapeOko owners: would you have liked it less if the parts were in seven or eight bags instead of almost 40?
Please note that this is for Batch Five onward; Batch Four is already packed (for the most part) in the old style.