Reserving an eShapeoko Kit

Update (22 December 2015)

The eShapeoko kits are now available to buy directly. You do not need to make a reservation anymore. I have removed the form.


Original Post

Many people said they would like to reserve or pre-order an eShapeoko kit, to make sure they don’t miss out when it came back in stock.  I haven’t changed my decision on pre-orders (I will not accept paid pre-orders), but I don’t see why I could not reserve future stock.  I will keep a list of people who’d like to order a kit, and put aside those kits until they get around to ordering them.

If you’d like to reserve an eShapeoko kit, please use the contact form below (preferred), email me, or use the contact form in the store.

Please use the following code when describing the kit:

  • X rail type:
    • DX dual X rail
    • SX single X rail
  • X carriage spacers:
    • -N nylon spacers*
    • -A aluminium spacers (only available with dual X rail)
  • Frame type:
    • -s classic (closed) end plates (machine size limited to 375 × 500)
    • -OE open end plates (machine can be any size)*
    • -F deluxe frame (only available for 750 mm or longer Y axis)
  • Zaxisleadscrew type:
    • -M M8 threaded rod*
    • -Z Tr 8 x 2 trapezoidal screw
  • Motor mounting hardware:
    • -R NEMA17 on all axes*
    • -S NEMA23 on X axis, NEMA17 on Y and Z
    • -T NEMA23 on X and Y axes, NEMA17 on Z
    • -U NEMA23 on all axes
  • X rail length in mm (375, 500, 750, or 1000);
  • Y rail length in mm (375, 500, 750, 1000, or 1500).

Options with an asterisk are the defaults and can be omitted.

For example, DX-A-OE-Z-T 500×750 is a machine with dual X rail, aluminium spacers, open ends, trapezoidal leadscrew, NEMA23 motors on X and Y and NEMA17 on Z, X axis 500 mm long, Y axis 750 mm long.  DX-N-F-M-R 1000×750, or DX-F 1000×750 in short, is a machine with dual X rail, nylon spacers, the deluxe frame, standard M8 threaded rod leadscrew, NEMA17 motors on all axes, X axis 1 m long, Y axis 750 mm long.

I estimate the kits will be back in stock in the first half of August.  Reserving a kit is free and comes with no obligation, but I would appreciate it if you used this form only if you genuinely intended to buy.  Once a week or so, I will collate the requests and allocate them serial numbers (you’ll get an email).  This will help me plan ahead and make the delivery quicker.

Update: shipping cost

The store calculates the shipping automatically, based on the size and weight of the items in the basket, and on your address.  Because the kits are out of stock, you can’t put them in the basket, so that doesn’t work.  To give you an idea of what the shipping cost would be, for a typical large kit (1000×1500, weighing about 15 kg):

  • Domestic (UK): about £12 (about £24 to Northern Ireland, but small kits are much cheaper);
  • Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland: about £25;
  • Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden: about £28;
  • Czech Republic, Hungary, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland: between £30 and £35;
  • Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania: between £49 and £56;
  • Cyprus, Malta: £65;
  • Croatia: £92.

For the really ridiculous rates (last three lines), the size of the kit matters a lot — smaller kits will be much less expensive to ship.  For the rates under £35, the size does not make such a difference (expect to pay about £5 less for the smallest kit).

Update: Confirmation Email

I collate the requests and send confirmations once a week.  Please do not ask for a confirmation in the comments, or by email, unless more than a week has passed and you did not get a confirmation email.  Thank you.

Update: Form Removed

Please order your eShapeoko in the store. It is no longer necessary to make a reservation.

Where’s the MakerSlide?

Two companies are involved in making the MakerSlide: an extruder (who extrude and anodize it) and a fabricator (who cut it and ship it to us). The fabricator say that the extruder are way behind with all their orders — some are delayed as much as eight weeks. They are catching up, but our MakerSlide order is still about four weeks in the future — and that’s just the extrusion, not the cutting.

The eShapeoko kits need MakerSlide too…

eShapeoko Kits Update

Finally, all the eShapeoko kits are done!

They are all packed and have the shipping labels on.  They are sitting patiently all over my living room, waiting for UPS and ParcelForce to collect them.  ParcelForce will collect UK orders tomorrow and delivered them on Friday before noon.  UPS is scheduled to collect all international orders today.  I think all of them should arrive next week (although a few may arrive on Friday — UPS is particularly fast to Netherlands, Belgium and France).  I have already emailed everyone their UPS tracking numbers; ParcelForce do not give me tracking numbers until they actually collect the packages, but I’ve emailed a link that can be used for tracking.

Update: UPS collected their packages not long ago.

Update: ParcelForce collected their packages today (Thursday), and UPS collected the one remaining parcel too.

eShapeoko Kits Update

One-third of the kits were shipped last week.

The other two-thirds are nearly done: the rail is checked and packed, the leadscrews are assembled, and all other parts are picked and in their boxes (including everything ordered besides the kit itself*). They still need some protective packaging around the more delicate items, the boxes need to be taped shut and strapped to the packs of MakerSlide, and I need generate shipping labels.  I want all of them to leave by Wednesday.

I did not have a chance to read email (let alone respond) over the weekend; I’ll catch up Monday night.

* Except the Arduino Uno boards — those aren’t in the boxes yet.

eShapeoko Kits Update

We have one-third of the kits packed and almost ready to go — they need just the leadscrews added to the boxes.  They’ll be booked for collection by the couriers on Tuesday or Wednesday.

We’ve made good progress with the remaining kits too: all small parts are packed, and some of the rail is inspected; we’ll keep going during the week, with the hope of finishing by the end of the week.

We’ve had problems with the bearings for the Tr 8 x 2 leadscrews.  We got dud ones from several suppliers, including two of them who had sent us good stuff in the past.  Both of those suppliers are sending more bearings, and I’ll let you know how they are as soon as they get here (one package is due in a few days, the other I don’t know yet).