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eShapeoko Kits
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EShapeoko Kits
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eShapeoko Kits
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Power supply, 24V 5A (120W)
A laptop-type brick power supply, capable of supplying 5 A at 24 V (120 W). It does not come with a power cord; you will need one with a C5 cloverleaf conenctor. At …
Power supply, 24V 5A (120W)
Trapezoidal leadscrew, Tr8x2, 175mm
This is the leadscrew from the eShapeoko kit. It is stainless steel, threaded Tr 8 x 2 ("metric acme"), 175 mm long. One end is turned down to 5 mm diameter for a leng…
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Trapezoidal leadscrew, Tr8x2, 175mm
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Z limit switch mounting solution for eShapeoko
This is a mounting kit for Z limit switches on an eShapeoko. It consists of a bracket that attaches to the front X plate and holds the limit switches, and two tabs mounted on…
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Z limit switch mounting…
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Belt anchors, slot type, belt on the outside, set of 2
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eShapeoko mechanical kit, configurable size
MakerSlide 1m
Basic MakerSlide kit (manual camera slider)
V-Wheel for MakerSlide
Ball bearings for MakerSlide V-wheels and belt idlers, set of 8
GAUPS Arduino-compatible Stepper Shield kit
MakerSlide Camera Slider, mechanical kit
Open end plates for eShapeoko (and Shapeoko 1)
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