Click here for assembly instructions!
This is just the PCB for a GAUPS Stepper Shield 1.1, compatible with Arduino Uno (running, for example, GRBL). This is our own design, derived from the open-source Arduino-compatible Stepper Motor Driver Shield rev 3 by Bart Dring. It has a similar component layout, but the PCB is redesigned from the ground up. Our PCB has an improved ground plane and wide motor supply traces. The PCB is 2 oz (thick) copper-clad FR4 board, with a blue solder resist and white silkscreen. Holes are plated through, and pads are gold-plated (ENIG: nickel plating followed by gold plating), which looks great and makes soldering very easy.

This board, on top of an Arduino One, is an alternative to the design, which is one of the two most popular electronics options for the Shapeoko (the other one is the grblShield). The stepper shield can take up to four Pololu stepper driver carrier boards (or the pin-compatible drivers available from several vendors, including the wonderfully engineered models from Panucatt Devices). The four drivers are labelled X, Y, Z and A. There are jumpers to connect the A driver as a standalone axis, or as a second driver for the Y axis. The latter is a very useful option for the dual-Y Shapeoko and eShapeOko. Microstepping can be configured independently for all four drivers, using convenient DIP switches.
Note that, although it is possible, in principle, to use this shield with an Arduino Mega, GRBL won't work on the Mega without modification.
GAUPS is compatible with both 5 V and 3.3 V Arduino boards. It works on the Arduino Due, using the G2 (TinyG2) firmware.
"GAUPS" stands for "GRBL Arduino Uno Pololu Shield" (like RAMPS, but for CNC milling).
None of the components necessary to build the shield are included. The assembled image is for reference only. The driver carrier boards (e.g. Pololu A4988), power supply and motors are not included either. Please note that this is just the printed circuit board, and you need to source your own components. Soldering is required, but it's not a difficult project: all the parts are through-hole, and nothing is static-sensitive except the driver boards themselves.
Detailed assembly instructions and the list of parts are available here.