For those searching for a solution for the control electronics of the eShapeOko, search no more! We have the Arduino Uno-compatible stepper shield, the Reactive Substance version. We have only the bare PCB for now, so you still need the parts (eight capacitors, one resistor, an optional reset switch, and assorted headers) and three or four Pololu A4988 driver carrier boards (available in the UK, for example, from Proto-PIC). Thanks to Bart Dring for designing this board, and to Reactive Substance for letting us distribute it in the UK!
While the yellow on black is not my cup of tea (and I drink coffee anyway), the black helps with heat dissipation, and the board is very good quality, 2 oz copper (double the usual thickness), very nicely made. Pololu also make a slightly more expensive version of their driver carrier board in black, also with 2 oz copper, which helps with heat dissipation. Still, a fan is essential for higher currents.
We’re trying to get all the components for a complete kit, hopefully soon.
This is the link to the store.