My wife has asked me to find a replacement for the current content management system we use for her website. Warning: it’s completely, utterly unrelated to CNC: it’s a collection of recipes. She would like something like this site. It needs to be easy to maintain and update, and we’d like some features such as user ratings, user comments, a decent search, links to related articles (similar recipes), navigation aids (e.g. breadcrumbs, navigation sidebar with categories and the contents of the current category), and the ability to switch languages. Some paid ads would be nice too.
I am leaning toward a WordPress site, but I’m not sure what to use for a template. There are a ton of them out there, and the quality seems very variable. I’d like to avoid learning how to make my own WordPress templates. If there are decent free templates for this type of stuff, great, if not, I’m willing to go with a paid solution.
So, I’m asking here for advice.